Gypsy society is being accused wrongly becauseof a legend which is popular among publicity. This slander, which is not suitable to humanity and religion, is about Prophet Abraham to be thrown into fire by King Nemrut 45 centuries ago.
According to the legend a brother and a sister named Cin and Gen were forced for incest relationship to make possible Prophet Abraham to be thrown into fire (This was the only way to dismiss protector angels.). They and their descendants (It's claimed by people who tell the legend that they were named Çingene pointing at their ancestors names) were cursed by God because this behaviour according to the legend! It's believed by many people that marrying with Gypsies is forbidden according to Islam because of the event.
This is why it's not common to marry with Gypsies among non-Gypsies in our country. There have been problem between Gypsy and non-Gypsy families when their children wish to marry eachother. My wifes family also tried to hinder their daughter to marry with me. But they couldn't hindered our marriage. It's not easy to find parents who accept their children to marry with Gypsies...
This legend is not true. There is nothing about the legend in the Koran. If people read the Koran, understand real Islam and not to believe this kind of legends, there wouldn't be any social problems between Gypsies and non-Gypsies. This problem have to be resolved!
I continue to tell people realities about this kind of legends as a person who read the Koran and a person who bears responsibility of being human for 16 years. I am organizing panels, I appear as guest on tv programs to explain problems of our people. I wrote a book, I publish articles on web pages. My articles are being translated to foreign languages. I gave lectures in religional foundations and Ankara Theological University about the issue.
All these activities are for our country and humanity. Only thing i want is social peace. I hope no personel benefits.
Realities about Prophet Abraham to be thrown into fire are explained in The Koran translation of Presidency of Religional Affairs published in 1983 and 2001. You could also read some passages there about marriage. There is nothing forbidding marriage with Gypsies in the Koran.
Presidency of Religional Affairs sent a momerandum (658-09/06/2000) to all muftis with my request. It's underlined in the momerandum all imams and people have to be informed about the issue and realities about the legend.
People have to read the Koran and the momerandum to learn truths about the legend blaming Gypsies. People have to be saved from to have this kind of prejudices about Gypsies
*Mustafa Aksu: Researcher and author
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To Be Gypsy Or Not To Be 18/05/2011
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